Providing Better Services and Better Government

In November 2002 the Federal Government launched the E-government Strategy Better Services, Better Government. We are strongly committed to this vision, and are already at the forefront of delivering solutions that meet the six Key Objectives:

        • Achieve greater efficiency and a return on investment
          Improving efficiency: We provide the Australian Antarctic Division’s on-line Consulting, analysis, audit and strategy for organisations such as the Australian Antarctic Division.
          Assessing return on investment: Our benefits realisation approach to technology implementation has allowed us to identify areas of saving at the commencement of many projects, and then to measure those actual benefits during project review.

        • Ensure convenient access to government services and information
          Managing multiple delivery channels: We have worked with many clients including the Melbourne Metropolitan Fire Brigade to reflect a strong off-line presence in the on-line world.
          Developing the next generation of discovery tools: The Victorian Business Channel and Land Channel, spanning 78 government business units at a commonwealth, state and local level, were early groundbreakers in the provision of information and services in logical groupings irrespective of which different agencies are involved. We continue this work with our CoreGov information access development.

        • Deliver services that are responsive to client needs
          Establishing the basis for interoperable services: For Tourism Queensland we met the challenge to integrate a website development, database management and electronic publishing solution for the Regional Tourism Net (RTN), a network of 14 regional Tourism Organisations.

        • Integrate related services
          Building a common service delivery architecture and its governance: In order to achieve the Victorian Business Channel result, the project had to adhere to government web development standards and processes, while offering an intuitive customer service focus and easy access to complex and diverse information repositories and channels.
          Establishing governance structures to promote client responsiveness: We worked with the Australian Taxation Office on the Registered Software Facility, a web facility to delivery information and specifications to the software development community while providing the ability for developers to register their products as compliant to ATO standards.
          Developing an investment strategy: Through an Image Antarctica Commercialisation Business Plan we are assisting the Australian Antarctic Division to commercialise their image archive system to meet government objectives for revenue generation.

        • Build user trust and confidence
          Promoting confidence through website standards: We are currently working on an architecture approach we call Core Gov, a Web Services based approach to standardised inter-departmental access for website information. This is part of our wider participation in industry forums such as international meetings of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.
        • Enhance closer citizen engagement
          We provide practical and successful solutions enabling departments to reach targeted community sectors, such as our work with the Australian Taxation Office to design and assess an Online eLearning solution to support Tax Practitioners in implementing the Tax Reform Agenda.

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