Transition Management
When failure is not an option

Technology Enablers
If only technology delivered everything promised

Technology often seems like a world of its own. Balancing your many requirements against the various options available, while remaining focussed on the business priorities, can present a significant challenge. Difficult enough when your dealing with your own trusted people, but considerably more complex when your dealing with a myriad of “what you see is at best almost what you get” vendors. We have a solid understanding
of technology and, perhaps more importantly, how vendors operate. This allows us to identify and evaluate solutions that will meet your business needs and provide a solid foundation.

Delivering technology change throughout a business
without disrupting the day-to-day operations is our key prioirity. The technology stream needs specialist
management and skills that understand your companies technology road map as well as the existing systems. Bringing all the necessary providers/
suppliers together, coordinating the agreed total technology solution in a set timeframe is the way we make technology deliver your required outcomes.
This can be performed directly by our own implementation team or by managing third party providers to integrate back into your business. An online (via Web) project tracking tool is made available
to all parties to ensure overall project issues and risks are dealt with expedietently.


A food products manufacturer faced the challenge of having to deal with a disparate process for launching new products - dealing with many government requirements, legal issues and technical details as well as a myriad of external vendors. In close consultation with them, we developed a system that automated and managed the full product introduction lifecycle. By reducing complexity and enforcing consistency
they were able to reduce the time-to-market by half.

When VicRoads was faced with an anticipated 400% increase in web traffic over the period of the Commonwealth Games, they sought our assistance to lead them in volume & capacity planning as well as transition & risk management. When, due to other commitments, they were unable to provision internally, they engaged us to manage the provisioning and transition of all of the systems within an aggressive timeframe. The result is a world class infrastructure that can be scaled easily with specific support and contingencies for the period of the Commonwealth Games.
Services Include:
Planning & Management Services
Technology Integration Planning
Vendor Selection, Negotiation and Management
Project Planning
Development & Integration
Web Software & Integration
Customised Development
Implementation Services
Project Management
Outsource Provision
Risk & Issue Management
Vendor Management
"The failing with most consulting
companies is that they do not have to live with the long-term consequences of their strategies and plans; equally technology companies rarely appreciate the business impacts of the systems they design. It is only by understanding the business requirements, the human challenges and the technology enablers, that we can truly partner in the evolution of our clients."
Rob Miles
IDEAS! Founder

Technology Enablers

Adobe Partner

Microsoft Partner

IBM Business Partner

Lotus Advanced Partner

IBM - Are you ready for e-business?

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